Fine Wines

Fine Wines depicting vineyard with wine casket and both red and white wines in a glass. Best wines from Napa and Sonoma!

Enjoy Fine Wines delivered to your door every month.  Taste the best that Napa and Sonoma Valley have to offer each and every month.  All at incredible club membership pricing. It is the best value around. You get exceptional fine wines at the best value.  Even more exciting is turning your passion for wine into a hobby into a full-time (Life-altering/career-enhancing) income!

Defining Fine Wine

So what is fine wine?  There are so many opinions and definitions regarding what is fine wines.  So here is my personal definition and expectation of fine wines.  The wines need to be of high quality, have great value for the money, be consistently show balance, in addition to diversity, fruity, and have regional characteristics.

I further consider fine wine should be produced without additives.  The grapes themselves and the skill of the winemaker in my mind determine if the wines are fine or not.  Did you know that in the US, the FDA has 76 additives that can be used to make wine production easier?

It is these additives that make the wines found in grocery stores taste the same year in and year out.  Surprisingly some of the additives used are substances that I would not want to consume.


Here are some of the approved additives that can be found in wines to provide consistent tastes that make it more like a wine drink than fine wine.

Factors impacting the production of fine wines

There are certain factors that impact the production of wine.  It is these factors in the production of the same wine from the same grape that impacts the taste of the wine year to year. The wine that you enjoyed dated 2019 doesn’t necessarily will taste the same as a bottled date of 2020 and so on.    

1.       Choice of grape varieties.  There are thousands of grape varieties with each having its own characteristics. Thus, successful winemakers need to understand which wine characteristics can be achieved with a specific grape variety.

2.       Winemakers need to consider growing conditions that are key for expressing the grape’s unique characteristics. This includes:

  • Climate
  • Vineyard location
  • Vineyard stop
  • Slope direction
  • Soil properties
  • Farming practices done throughout the season in the vineyard

3.       The time of harvest. For wine production, it’s all about the right timing. For winemakers, it’s about choosing the time to harvest to manage the acidity, sweetness, and thus the level of alcohol

4.       Every practice done in the cellar determines the quality of the wine.  This is where the good winemakers separate from the crow in the way they manage the processing activities in the cellar.  It is this reason why every bottle of wine is unique. 

5.       Wine preservation and packaging management. Some winemakers like packing in bottles while others pack their wine in bulk. The wine package and preservation depend on the desired quality of the wine and the winemaker’s personal preferences.  Such as, whether to preserve in stainless steel tanks vs inox tanks. Above all, the key to successful wine preservation is regular monitoring

Common Conceptions Regarding Fine Wines

  • It must be expensive
  • Fine wine is balanced,
  • it’s well constructed in its flavor profile,
  • it’s complex, and it’s long and lingering when you taste it.
  • The essence of fine wine: it virtually tastes better than any other beverage.

In Summary

When I want to enjoy fine wines, I want to know that the wines are produced with natural fermentation.  That the wine is not bottled until it has reached its peak nodes before being bottled.  In other words, the winemaker is not in a hurry to bottle it to generate income but rather bottled when it is ready to be consumed.  You will find that this Wine of the Month Club delivers fine wines without fail. Here’s to your health. By the way, while on that topic read about it here!  Finally, check out how to turn your passion for wine into earning income by clicking here!