Which Is Healthier Red or White Wine?

Which Is Healthier Red or White Wine?

Which is healthier Red or White Wine? First of all both wines may be beneficial to your health. After fermentation, the grapes lose some of their nutritional value, but on the other hand, they gain new health benefits.

Making of Red and White Wines

health benefits of red wine vs white wine

Red or dark grapes are used to make red wine. While white wine is made with white grapes. However, the process to produce the two types of wines is totally different. For example, the process to make red wine involves crushing the grapes and fermentation up to two weeks in oak barrels. On the other hand, the process to make white wine removes the grape’s skin and seeds. Also, the fermentation process needs yeast to start the fermentation process. Finally, white wine is fermented in stainless steel vats It’s this difference in producing the two wines that give each one different health benefits.

Which Is Healthier Red or White Wine?

White wine helps to improve heart health and possibly prevent heart diseases. Meanwhile, red wine has higher antioxidants, resveratrol, which protects blood vessels and possibly prevents blood clots. Resveratrol lowers your bad cholesterol (LDL) and at the same time increases the good cholesterol (HDL). With that in mind, red wine could help control blood pressure. The Winner Red Wine

Moreover, unlike white wine, red wine also contains polyphenols, which slows the effects of premature ageing. So a glass or two of red wine every day could keep you young by keeping toxins away. The Winner: Red Wine

So when it comes to calories which Are Healthier Red or White Wine? As it turns out, it is a virtual neck and neck race. A glass of red wine has anywhere from 125 to 130 calories. In comparison, white wine has 121 calories. When you are at an event, who is really counting calories? The Winner: White Wine

Another ingredient that red wine has that white wine doesn’t is silicon. This helps to increase the density of bones and reduces the chances of osteoporosis. The Winner Red Wine

Which Is Healthier Red or White Wine? Red for sure

So tallying the votes, the answer to which is healthier red or white wine- it is red wine. You get the health benefits of wine as long as you drink it in moderation. The recommendation for men is to limit consumption to 1-2 glasses of red wine. Ladies, you need to limit drinking to 1 glass per day. Enjoy but drink responsibly! For the premier, wines check out this wine month club here!