SMS Cash Back

SMS Cash Back is an amazing app to share with you! It runs on your incredible Android Smartphone. In fact, it takes your unused SMA/MMS messaging to create a solution in sharing the”Marketing of Phenomenal.

Best of all it uses your Smartphone without interfering with your account or the use of your phone. Instead, it creates a stream of income. As a marketer, I love this app since it offsets, and even covers the cost of your smartphone altogether. Furthermore, you might even see some profits.

SMS Cash Back Here Are the Easiest Steps To Follow

So you may wonder how this process works. First of all download an app onto your Smartphone. Then you run the App. This app allows the group to message out and create marketing funds to share with the group.

 p2p Cash shows a phone with amount of money earned.

Set up your Smartphone (ANDROID ONLY) with Crypto Payment and the SMS Cash Back. This App works best with Android phones but even apple phone users /can participate. However, those with the coveted iPhones arenot able to participate.

If you don’t already have a Account. Here is an easy one to set up here! You need to do this from your smartphone. In fact, you will find this is the easiest “WALLET” to use with this P2SCash app to get paid.

Next, go from your Smartphone “Web browser to and download the file. You will find it under BETAT Launch. This is by invitation only., As a result, the only DOWNLOAD that works is the very last one.

Finally, launch the Cash Back app. Then follow the steps to add your payment to your bank account.

Guess what, not only are you part of a Marketing Solution but your ANDROID Phone is now a cash machine with this program!

SMS Cash Back APP Maximized

As you know, there is always a necessity to generate more and more income. Not only because we consume products but inflation is a reality and we just need to find ways to build more wealth. Those that do or can, win. Those that don’t usually need help teaching them. Primarily, those who know how, do. For instance, there are some incredible ways to maximize this opportunity, including SMS Cash Back .

For example, you can get Android Phones for under $50 with a $10 -$15 a month minimum fee. They come with so many minutes of talk time, but for this app, you need ZERO talking minutes. More important is that the phones come with Unlimited Text. A few may have limits but are enough to run the P2P Cash App anyway.


This SMS Cash Back program is just one of the programs that we share with our Online Community. This is just one of many programs and more to come. We are constantly looking to continue and create “multiple sources of income”. And we would enjoy discussing this with you! Below are just a few of the highlights that we get to share with our Community Members looking to be part of Awesomeness!

First of all, we can show you how to create around-the-clock “passive income” using the Internet and a Proven System created by the Author of this amazing book: Marketing Is Freedom. You get to be part of the RRR247 Community. You’ll learn how to gain access to “multiple streams of Income” More importantly, there are constant newly released ways to participate in making income on top of income. You might be like me, I was looking for a way to pass on a Legacy Business to my daughters so they are in good hands well into the future!

Another program provides $750 a month. This program has requirements to be approved. Plus it is only available in certain countries and locations (but growing all the time)

We are Global. You will find hundreds (still growing) of Income Streams that are international also. You will be given the means and taught to market globally.

And Much More


We will invest in you with time, money, and more. However, you will be expected to “Pay It Forward” to others. Therefore, if this is not okay with you, then this is not for you.