EMF Blocking Jewelry

EMF Blocking Jewelry

With today’s technology the exposure to EMF (electromagnetic fields), you need EMF blocking jewelry or devices to reduce EMF absorption. EMF is an invisible area of energy. It is created with the use of electrical power and various forms of natural and man-made lighting. As a matter of fact, magnetic fields are a result of the flow of electric current. While electric fields are created when there is a difference in voltage.

  • EMF are grouped into two categories, Non-ionizing and Ionizing. First of all, Non-ionizing is generally harmless to human beings. However, Ionizing is high-level radiation with the potential for cellular and DNA damage.

EMF Sources:

You will find EMF in nature. For instance, the atmosphere does build up electrical charges. As a result, during storms, this electric charge is manifested with lightning. Furthermore, the use of a compass detects the magnetic field created by our planet with a North-South orientation. In particular, even our body generates EMF. For example,  electrocardiograms analyze the heart function.

Sources of EMF include:


  • Bluetooth devices
  • Cell Phones
  • Computers
  • House energy smart meters
  • Microwave ovens
  • MRIs
  • Power lines
  • Wireless (wifi) networks


  • Sunlight
  • X-Rays
  • Some Gamma Rays

EMF Health Effects:

EMF Blocking Jewelry

For the most part, people don’t experience chronic illnesses or cancer overnight.  More important to realize is the effects slowly build behind the scenes not even felt until the final straw breaks the camel’s back.

However, when your body reaches its maximum burden capacity, a person may notice symptoms such as:

  • Difficulty in concentrating 
  • Fatigue
  • Unexplained dizziness
  • Increased irritability and restlessness
  • Chronic headaches
  • Digestive issues
  • Trouble sleeping 
  • Ringing in the ears
  • And more

You may be wondering why everyone doesn’t have these problems. In particular, everyone’s body burden is unique. For example, genetics, nutrition, overall exposure, viral load, immune system function to name a few can affect your “feeling” or symptoms. 

EMF Blocking Jewelry:

Some of the best EMF protection jewelry contain organite. Organite is produced using resin various metals and quarts to balance and harmonize the body.

Dr. Wilhelm Reich, a psychiatrist researched organite. Because orgonite is a 50/50 blend of organic (resin) and inorganic (metals) materials they are in a constant state of attraction and repulsion. As a result this back and forth creates a scrubbing effect that creates an energy charge. Furthermore, this energy charge cleans negative energy and protects the body from EMF radiation.

EMF Blocking Jewelry

In fact, organite has shown to: 

  • Balance out moods
  • Give the wearer more energy
  • Help with EHS (electromagnetic hypersensitivity
  • Improve sleep
  • Improved immune systems
  • and more.

This holistic retailer offer organite EMF locking jewelry and devices. While it’s impossible to completely shield yourself from EMF signals, this holistic retailer’s EMF products can minimize EMF exposure. So don’t wait any longer, check out the protection provided with these quality EMF products at extremely reasonable pricing!