Nutrition Healthy Diet

 Nutrition Healthy Diet

When it comes to leading a healthy life and staying fit and trim helpful rules actually have been documented since the creation of man to include nutrition healthy diet. In fact, check out the Biblical passages in Genesis that cite the 8 laws of Health and the Scripture references.

Nutrition Health Diet– Biblical 8 laws of Health and the Scripture references: 

  1. NUTRITION – Gen:1:29
  2. EXERCISE – Gen. 2:15
  3. WATER – Gen. 2:10
  4. SUNSHINE – Gen. 1:16
  5. TEMPERANCE – Gen. 2:16, 17
  6. FRESH AIR – Gen. 1:8
  7. REST – Gen. 2:2, 3 
  8. TRUST IN DIVINE POWER – Gen. 1:27-29. 

In fact, Genesis is actually describing an Alkalarian lifestyle.  It is centered on a diet consisting of alkaline foods to keep the body’s alkaline PH balanced versus an acidic PH. There are some key advantages in following an Alkalarian diet versus a diet loaded with acidic foods.

Nutrition Healthy Diet Benefits of High Alkaline Diet

One of the benefits of a high alkaline diet is preserving muscle mass as you age.  In fact, potassium-rich foods like fruits and vegetables (in an alkaline diet) could help older adults maintain muscle mass as we age.

Next, eating nonacidic foods can help ward off diabetes.  For example, a study published in Diabetologic, studies 1,372 new cases of diabetes. As a result, researchers found that the women with the most acid-forming diets had a significantly higher chance of developing diabetes. This suggests that a high intake of acidic foods could be linked to insulin resistance.

My Nutrition Healthy Diet Journey Toward High Alkaline Diet

Now here is my story.  To start with, I have not heard of the term Alkalarian or an alkaline diet.  Nor was I aware an Alkalarian’s diet consists of alkaline foods, drinks, and a lifestyle that maintains balanced acid-alkaline body chemistry for a healthy lifestyle.

When I turned 65 on my annual checkup, the doctor told me that I am prediabetic and if I continue my current habit patterns that I will be diabetic on my next annual check-up. What a surprise! Furthermore, the doctor offered to treat this condition with medication. Instead, I wanted a natural solution to the problem. So I asked if he would give me 6 weeks to overcome this medical issue with a dietary change and get tested again before considering a medical solution. Worse yet, documenting me as diabetic!

To start with, over the years I had put slowly added pounds and inches to my waistline.  In fact, on that shocking day, I tipped the scales at 269 pounds. I followed the medical advice of avoiding or at least significantly reducing my intake of carbohydrates such as bread, pasta, potatoes, and sodas (that hurt)!  Six weeks, I hesitantly showed up for my follow on checkup, and to my surprise, my blood sugars were in the mid-normal range!  

My Alkaline Diet Plan

And it doesn’t stop there. Over the course of the next 6 months, I managed to weigh in at 220 pounds.  How? Mainly, I stayed away from all bread, pasta, and anything sugary (cakes, pies, sodas, and candy—all things I love). This pretty much describes an alkaline diet.  With the exception that I still would include fish and chicken into my diet but not every day.

My Nutrition Healthy Diet & Weight Loss

Plus I also stumbled on a couple of products to help maintain my weight loss. I came across this product that helps you lose weight while you sleep.  Mind you, at 220 pounds, I was not looking to lose more weight.  Instead, I was seeking a solution to get a good night’s rest with natural ingredients and no artificial additives.  To my surprise, using this product, I lost an additional 8 pounds in the following 4 weeks!  More importantly, by using this product, I am sleeping thru the night.  Finally, gone are the nights of waking up between 2:30 and 4:00 am unable to go back to sleep! 

Nutrition Healthy Diet

Then in the morning, I use a natural coffee creamer to add to my coffee to start the day.  For the past year, by eating a predominately alkaline diet, and adding two natural supplements, I have maintained my weight below 220s for over a year.  I feel fortunate to accomplish this. Finally, I am able to avoid the cycle of losing weight to gaining it all back and having to start the cycle over again.

By altering my diet loaded with fruits and vegetables has me feeling great and healthy. I generally use the following food groupings for my alkaline diet.

Alkaline Food List


Not all fruits are recommended in an Alkaline diet, here is a list that makes the cut:

  • Apples
  • Apricots
  • Black currants
  • Lemon juice
  • Oranges
  • Peaches
  • Pears


The same is true for vegetables, Here are the vegetables that are alkaline.  

  • Asparagus
  • Broccoli
  • Carrots
  • Celery
  • Cucumber
  • Green beans


With my alkaline diet, I do drink alcohol and coffee in moderation.

Meat (Pure Alkaline diet avoids meat but I eat fish and white meats to get beneficial proteins in my diet)

  • Avoid Red Meat:
  • Fish and white meat are moderate to low in acids


While I do not follow a strict Alkaline diet, I did vastly increase vegetables and fruits in my daily food intake. Furthermore, I avoid red meats but once in a while have that incredible steak or BBQ spare ribs as an occasional treat. By doing so, it has helped me lose weight and feel energetic throughout the day!