Cell Phone EMF

Cell Phone EMF radiation depicted near cell tower

Ever wonder about Cell Phone EMF and your health? Society has made the Cell phone irreplaceable!  According to Forbes that are over 5.22 BILLION smartphone users and over 6 Billion mobile subscriptions!  In addition, cell phone technologies continue to expand capability along with increasing electromagnetic radiation. 

Can Cell Phones EMF Cause Cancer?

Several studies have shown that there is a link between EMF exposure from minor health issues such as headaches and skin rash to more serious conditions. For instance, fertility problems, DNA fragmentation, cell damage, and even cancerous tumors. However, the data is insufficient and most findings are inconclusive. The real concern is as cell phone technologies advance, EMF emissions will continue to increase.

Many of us parents let children use or even get them their own cell phones. However, we have not seen the possible effects of extended EMF exposure over the children’s lifetime.

Steps to Protect Yourself from cell phone EMF

For Cell Phone EMF reduction consideration is to text instead of hold cell phone near hour head

With the increased use of appliances, computers, and cell phones, we are exposed to significantly more EMF than the world population back in 1800. With that much exposure, it makes sense to take some precautions to limit the exposure to EMF, especially with the use of cell phones.

1.       One easy way to limit exposure to cell phone EMF is to use the speakerphone function whenever possible.

2.       If you are using the normal talk function, turn up the volume to the highest setting and hold the phone at least 2-4 inches away from your head.

3.       Consider the use of wired headphones or even a better option is radiation-free air tube headphones especially if work has you on the phone for extended periods

4.       If you are driving use options like Apple Car-play or an auxiliary cord to tie your cell phone through the car’s speakers. It does two things: promotes safer driving and same time lowers your exposure to EMF.

5.       Use text messaging instead of calling whenever you can. Have a home landline so that the cell phone is not the only way to get a hold of you.  While at home, you can turn off your cell phone.

Additional Consideration with cell phones not is used

6.       When you are not using your cell phone place it into Airplane Mode.  This way your phone will not be constantly sending our RF signals to remain connected. Plus, the added benefit is that you are preserving battery life and helping your phone recharge faster!

7.       Should you be in an area of poor signal coverage, turn off your phone. If you are far from a tower or have poor reception, your phone will work harder to stay connected and emit more radiation.

8.       Another easy practice is to make sure your phone is not running apps or location services in the background. This avoids your phone trying constantly to search for WIFI or cellular data to stay connected.

9.       Use text messaging instead of calling whenever you can. Have a home landline so that the cell phone is not the only way to get a hold of you.  While at home, you can turn off your cell phone.

10.   Last of all, increase the distance from the phone.  When talking on the phone hold it at least a few inches between you and the phone.  At night, keep your phone out of the bedroom to minimize radiation and promote healthy sleeping habits.


Depicted is a Cell Phone EMF disc to reduce the electromagnetic emissions

Should your job require you to be always reachable by phone, it’s worth investing in EMF protection gear. Whether you use your phone extensively or very little, it might be prudent to use anti-radiation protection that puts a barrier between your phone and your ear. Or even other parts of your body. By doing so, you are reducing direct skin contact with RF and EMF radiation emissions! Check out this cell phone EMF protection here for ease of mind!